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Silver Steel Plate


Steele Pilates On Demand Mat Instructor Certification

ReForMat By Steele Pilates Advanced Certification


Steele Pilates Apparatus Certifications

Continuing Education

Steele Pilates Mat Certification Course Live in Dumbo! 

All workshops take place at the studio and are limited to 20 in-person students. 

ZOOM classes available to those who cannot attend in-person.


$500/session or $1500 for all three. 

Pilates History, Anatomy Review and Core Principles


Sept 21, 2024


Basic Pilates Mat Exercises


Sept 28, 2024


Intermediate Pilates Exercises


October 5, 2024


Advanced Pilates Mat Exercises, Steele Pilates Sequencing & Variations



October 12, 2024



Steele Pilates Class design, working with special populations and test out.


October 19, 2024


Thanks to this program, I returned home and found myself quickly becoming one of the most popular instructors in Stockholm. By focusing on the movement and core principles behind each Pilates exercise—and not only on its sequences or “steps”—Teri gave me the competitive edge that most other instructors lacked. My practice soon became so popular that in 2006, I opened my own Pilates studio.”


-Linda Eek (Stockholm, Sweden)

"I want to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge over this online certification course.I have admired the thoughtful progression of your class and the clarity of your cues for a long time as a student at Steps. It has been such a treat to be able to learn from you through this lockdown!"

"Thanks Teri! It has been a pleasure learning through you as an instructor in multiple mediums, both recently and previously."



The Steele Pilates ReForMat Certification is an advanced Mat Certification designed to teach currently certified Pilates Mat and/or Apparatus instructors the ReForMat disciplines created and presented by Teri Lee Steele that reimagines Pilates apparatus exercises as a mat-based discipline. Perfect for any Pilates instructor to increase your exercise vocabulary and to recreate an apparatus session virtually or in-home with very few, space-conscious props!


Five workshop videos, each 3 hours long that teach the ReForMat disciplines of Basic/Intermediate Stability Ball, Foam Roller Exercises, ReForMat Slider Exercises, Steele Pilates Advanced Sequencing & Variations, and Advanced Stability Ball Exercises.  You also receive the course syllabuses for each workshop.  Upon completion of the lecture/demonstration videos and an online ReForMat Certification exam, you will receive the Advanced ReForMat by Steele Pilates Certification! 


The ReForMat by Steele Pilates Certification is a 20-hour course taught by Teri Lee Steele for currently certified Pilates Instructors that includes Basic through Advanced Stability Ball, Foam Roller, and ReForMat TM Slider Exercises as well as the Steele Pilates Advanced Sequencing & Variations Workshop.  ReForMatTM by Steele Pilates was created by Teri Lee Steele to reimagine Pilates Apparatus vocabulary into mat-based disciplines to broaden the instructor’s ability to re-create an apparatus session during in-home or virtual classes. 



Teri Lee Steele created THE STEELE PILATES Mat Certification Course in NYC in 2005 in order to provide her fellow dancers with a way to support their dance careers financially by working within the field of movement.  She has certified over 500 Steele Pilates Mat instructors since then and added her Pilates International Visa Program in 2010.  


Comprehensive Anatomy Review

Students learn the skeletal and muscular systems, joint articulation and stabilization, as well as how those systems integrate to create complex movement patterns.


Core Principals

The founding principals of Pilates.

Postural Assessment

Plus, common postural deviations and improper patterning.

Movement Principals

Discussion regarding the Pilates Method and it's continued pertinence almost 100 years after its incarnation

The History of Pilates

Discussion of the roots and history of the Pilates Method.

Cuing Stabilization

 Learn how to identify faulty movement patterns and then actively address stabilization so that proper form can be attained.


Class Sequence

Students will learn how to teach and to perform the Pilates Mat Exercise Series in its original order.

Personal Training Principles

How and when to apply personal training principles to a Pilates session or group class in order to make it client/goal specific.


• Modifications

• Verbal Cueing

• Spotting Techniques

• Contraindications

for special populations

The course ends with a course in Steele Pilates Choreographic Sequencing and Variations - the hallmark of the Steele Pilates program.  

Also includes Self-practice Mat class hours, Supervised Teaching hours, Observation hours and written and practical exams.

The Steele Pilates Mat Certification Course is a one of a kind education and places you at the front of the pack.  The. mat. certification is a prerequisite to the reformer and other apparatus certifications and will allow you to teach at ANY studio.  The course fee includes all lecture/demonstration hours, test outs and 10 in person self practice classes  at the Steele Pilates Studio Dumbo.



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